Department of Economics
Orientation Program
The Department of Economics organized an orientation program for UG and PG (Economics) students on 23rd, 24th September and 1st October 2021 in the University Campus. The major objective of the program was to make the students aware of the academic and cultural aspects of the institute and their respective courses.
The program was led by Ms Vaishali Gupta (Asst. Professor). She introduced all the faculty members- Prof. C. R. Bishnoi (HOD & Professor), Dr. J.N. Sharma (Professor), Dr. Deepa Pareek (Professor), Dr. Anima Vaish (Associate Professor), Ms. Vaishali Gupta (Asst. Professor), Ms. Pooja Jain (Asst. Professor) and Ms. Ayushi Vashistha (Asst. Professor),to the students. Further the students were informed about the credits system, syllabi and co-curricular activities organized by the department.
They were also acquainted with the placement and internship opportunities and the guest lectures & symposiums organized in the past.
It was heartening to see an active response from the students.
Lastly, the orientation program ended on a thank you note.