This lab is designed to introduce the students with financial and statistical functions of MS – Excel, MS – Access and SPSS.
MS-Excel: Excel Basics, Cell Referencing (Relative, Absolute, Mixed), Cell Formatting, Functions in excel (SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, MAX, MIN, IF), What-if analysis, Goal seek, Scenario, Pivot Table, Financial Functions (PV, NPV, IPR, Rate, FV, PMT, NPER), sorting, Data filters (Auto and Advanced), Mathematical Functions (Ceiling, Floor, Trunc, Mid), lookup & references (Lookup, Vlookup, Hlookup) Hyper linking, Macros. Summarizing data: Graphical methods (line graph, bar graph, pie chart, histogram, scatter plot), Descriptive Statistics (mean, median, mode, standard deviation, sample variance, kurtosis, skewness, Range), Correlation and Regression Analysis (ANOVA model).
MS-Access: Tables, data types, creating tables, entering data table, editing data, viewing records, sorting records, relationship, querying a database (crosstab query) & Generating reports.
SPSS: A package for Statistical Analysis in Social Sciences. Basic Operations; File, Edit, View, Data, Transformation, Graph and utilities. Statistical Analysis using SPSS: Summary, Tabulation and comparison of summary statistics; Correlation and Regression (Linear and non-linear).