Dr. Anima Vaish

Associate Professor
Department of Economics, IIS (deemed to be )University.
Office Phone Number: 
Educational Qualifications: 
Degree Institution Year
Ph.D. University of Rajasthan 2006
M.Phil. / M.Tech. University of Rajasthan 1998
M.A University of Rajasthan 1997 (Gold Medalist)
B.A Maharani’s College, University of Rajasthan 1995 (National Scholarship Holder)
Any other qualification NET, JRF, SLET 1997


Career Profile: 
Lecturer Mody College of Arts,Science &Commerce, MIER, Lakshmangarh, Sikar July1999-Aug 4, 2002
Lecturer International College for Girls, Jaipur Aug5, 2002-June 2009
Sr Assistant Professor International College for Girls, Jaipur July 2009-Dec 2015
Associate Professor  IIS (deemed to be) University, Jaipur Jan 2016 - till date


Administrative Assignments: 
Mody Institute of Education and Research, Lakshmangarh, Sikar 
  • Editor of the College Magazine at Mody Institute of Education and Research, Lakshmangarh, Sikar (Now Mody University).

IIS (deemed to be University), Jaipur

  • Additional Head of the Department of Economics
  • Co-opted member of Board of Studies of the Department of Economics
  • Worked as Coordinator of the Examination Conduction Team
  • Convenor of the Central Evaluation Committee of Examinations
  • Worked as Coordinator of House Keeping Section
  • Coordinator of the Merit List and Gold Medal Committee for Annual Convocation
  • Coordinator of the Award Committee for Annual Function
  • Coordinator of the Attendance Committee
  • Member of Feedback MonitoringCommittee
  • Member of Grievance Redressal Committee
  • Member of Annual Report Committee
Areas of Interest / Specialization: 
  • Economic contribution of women
  • Indian economy development and policy issues
  • International Economics
Subjects Taught: 
  • Macro Economics 
  • International Economics
  • Money and Banking 
  • Quantitative Economics 
  • Statistical Methods.
  • Statistical Methods through MS Excel
Research Guidance: 

Have guided various student projects at UG and dissertations at PG level.

Presently six students are enrolled as research fellows for Ph.D


Publications Profile: 


Co-authored a paper, "Information and Communication Technology Tools for Research in Social Sciences" , published in TEST Engineering & Management Journal, Volume 83, ISSN No. 0193-4120

Co-authored a Chapter (Chapter-6) on “Inter-District Disparities in Rajasthan: A Primary Level Education Perspective” in e-Book on Multidisciplinary Approach to Sustainable Development Goals Some Issues and Reflections ( ISBN: 9798513908517 ), published  by Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing House

Co-authored a paper titled, "Analysis of Inter-state School Education Development in India", in Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education in Vol.12 No.6(2021) with ISSN No.1309-4653

A paper with the title "Solar Power Potential of Rajasthan - Status and Prospects", published in the IIS University Journal of Social Sciences, Vol 2 in 2013.

A chapter on "Characteristics of Indian Economy as a Developing Economy" , published in the book 'Foundation Course in General Studies' in 2013.

Paper/Poster Presentation

  • A paper titled ‘Women and Human Rights’ presented in an “International Seminar on Bureaucracy, Development & Human Rights” organized by the Department of Public Administration, UOR from 21st-23rd March, 2004.
  • A paper titled ‘Status of Women in Rajasthan’ presented in a “National Seminar on Women Empowerment: Alternative and Challenges” organized by Shree Veer Balika P. G. College, Jaipur from 10th-11th Feb, 2005.
  •  A paper titled ‘Human Rights for Women & the Role of Media’ presented in a conference titled Human Rights and Media organized by International College for Girls, Jaipur in association with Rajasthan State Human Rights Commission from 10th & 11th October 2008.
  • A paper titled ‘Privatization of Higher Education : Indian Perspective’ presented in a UGC sponsored National conf. on “Quality Management in Institution on Higher Education” organized by ICG between 16-17th March, 2009.
  • A paper titled ‘Rural – Urban Migration in India : A Gender Perspective’ presented in a conference on “Human Migration in the Indian Subcontinent : Complexities, Challenges and Implications” organized by The IIS University from 9th -10th Sept 2011.
  • A paper titled ‘Green Economy in context to sustainable development - Issues and Policies' presented in a conference on “Sustainable Rueal Development in India : Efforts and Challenges” organized by The IIS University from 18th -19th Sept 2012.
  • A paper titled ‘Climate Change in India : Threats and Policy Imperatives' presented in a convention on “Climate Change and Water 2012” organized by Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur from 10th -12th Oct  2012.
  • A poster with the title "Managing the Environment - An Issue of Concern for India" in the National Conference on Environmental Issues, Toxicology and Exposure Science organized by Agarwal P.G. College, Jaipur on 20th-21st Sept 2013.
  • A poster with the title "Ecotourism – A Sustainable Way to Conserve Biodiversity" in the National Conference on Biodiversity Conservation: Embracing Our Future, Preserving Our Past organized by The IIS University, Jaipur on 27th – 28th Sept 2013.
  • A paper with the title "Transition to a Green Economy –A Need for Sustainable Development" in the National Symposium on Green Economy & Harnessing Natural Products for Sustainable Development organized by Indian Society for Life Sciences, under the auspices of The Indian Science Congress Association, Jaipur Chapter on 12th July 2014.
  • A paper with the title "Financial Inclusion in India - An Assessment" presented in theNational Conference on Contemporary Indian Society and Social Inclusion : Challenges and Strategies organized by the IIS University between 12th - 13th Sept 2014.
  • A poster with the title " Transition to a Green Economy - Issues & Challenges" presented in the 3rd National Convention on Climate Change and Water organized by Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur on 26th -28th Sept 2014.
  • A paper with the title " Gender Equality & Economic Development - Policy Implications" presented in National Seminar on Women Empowerment and Inclusive Growth organized by CRIT, The IIS University, Jaipur & sponsored by ICSSR, New Delhi from 13 -14th March 2015
  • A paper on "A Leap Towards Sustainable Development- India's Green Initiatives",   presented in a conference on Recent Trends and Advances in Environmental Issues,Awareness and Health, 2017, organized by JECRC, Jaipur from 17-18 November 2017.
  • Attended a  workshop on "Question Framing Techniques for Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences", organized by The IIS University, Jaipur on January 8, 2018.
  • Attended da National Seminar on Leadership and Management Skills  for Women in Higher education,organized by The IIS University ,Jaipur, sponsred by The Association of Commonwealth Universities, United Kingdom on February 7, 2018.
  • Completed SPSS Training Module 2019 organized by IIS deemed to be University, Jaipur.
  • Completed an online training programme on "Data Analysis Using MS Excel" organized by CRIT and IIS deemed to be University from May 3,2020 to May 9, 2020.
  • Participated in eFDP on "Data Analysis through SPSS" organized by eduCATE consulting in association with MIM Cosmos from 13th July to 17th July 2020.
  • Presented a paper titled "Information and Communication Technology Tools for Research in Social Sciences", in international online Conference on Emerging Trends in Multi-Disciplinary research "ETMDR-2020" held during July 23-25,2020 at Poornima University, jaipur.
  • Presented a paper titled "Inter district Disparities in Rajasthan - a Primary Level Education Perspective" in an Online National Conference on sustainable Development Goals jointly organized by MNIT, Jaipur and NIT, Uttrakhand in collaboration with TIES, New Delhi on 10th - 11th September 2020.
  •  Completed an online  "National FDP on Advanced Research Methods and Quantitative Data Analysis Using SPSS",  conducted by Edge India Academy, from October 26 to November 1, 2020.

5. Other publications (Edited works, Book reviews, Festschrift volumes, etc.)

Conference Organization: 

Organizing Secretary of National Conference on India's Economic Policy & Development Initiatives: Challenges & Opportunities held in the Department of Economics, IIS deemed to be University, Jaipur, from 4-5 November, 2016.

Organizing Secretary of a 5 day National Workshop on Basic Applied Econometrics held in the Department of Economics, IIS deemed to be University, Jaipur, from 26th Dec -30th Dec 2018.

Research Projects: 
  • One student research project sanctioned  from The IIS University on - Development of Solar Power in Rajasthan : Potential and Opportunities, and completed in 2012.
Awards and Distinctions: 

Given a national scholarship for standing in merit in the graduation.

Awarded a gold medal for standing first in order of merit in P.G. exams in 1997.

Availed JRF during M.Phil. course.

Association With Professional Bodies: 

Lifetime Membership of Indian Economic Association.