
Paper Code: 
ECO 615
Max. Marks: 

Course Objectives:

The objectives of this course are –


  1. To orient the students towards research.
  2. To make the students understand the methods of data collection and graphical and diagrammatic representation of data.
  3. To introduce the students to the techniques of data analysis and documentation.

Course Outcomes (COs):



 Outcome (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies 

Paper Code

Paper Title

ECO 615


CO86: Execute the techniques of data collection, classification and presentation.

CO87:  Understand the preparation of a project report.

Approach in teaching: Discussion and Case studies.


Learning activities for the students:

Data collection and analysis and Presentations.

Report writing, Presentation and Viva voce.




The students will prepare a detailed project report on the basis of the synopsis submitted in the previous semester. A panel of internal and external examiners will evaluate the same.


Academic Session: