1. To acquaint the students with the various sources of data on Indian economy on its structure and various sectors.
2. To understand the different ways of presentation and analysis of that data.
National Income of India- Growth in GDP and its components and State Domestic Product.
The population structure of India- size and growth rates, age & sex composition, density, rural-urban distribution; literacy rates; occupational distribution.
Land, Forest, Water and mineral resources; transport and energy infrastructure.
Agricultural sector of India- Trends in production and productivity, major crops;
Industrial sector of India- Trends in production and productivity, major industries.
Foreign trade of India- Trends in exports and imports; Commodity wise and country wise exports and imports.
Davis, Glyn and PecarBranko, Business Statistics using Excel, Oxford University Press 2010.
Levine, David M., Statistics for Managers Using Microsoft Excel, Pearson Education, 2017.