Indian Economy - II

Paper Code: 
24ECO 224
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
  1. To understand the various issues related to Indian economy.
  2. To acquaint the students with the role and problems of various sectors of the Indian economy.
  3. To help the students in understanding the role of banking sector and related issues.


Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies 

Course Code

Course Title

24ECO 224

Indian Economy-II


Students will

CO55: evaluate the growth of agricultural sector in India

CO56: analyze the role of agricultural credit and marketing and food security in India  

CO57: evaluate the growth of industrial sector in India and interpret its different aspects

CO58: analyze the contribution of the service sector, particularly IT, ITES and BPO sector in the development process of India

CO59: examine the various aspects related to the financial and banking sector of India.

CO60: contribute effectively in course-specific interaction. 

Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Case studies.


Learning activities for the students:

Presentations, Assignments and Group discussions.

Class activity, Assignments, Quiz and Semester end examinations.


Unit I: 
Agricultural Sector I
  • Progress in Agriculture under the Five yearPlans
  • Land Reforms
  • Green Revolution and New Green Revolution
  • Irrigation & Other Agricultural Inputs.


Unit II: 
Agricultural Sector II

·       Rural Credit in India

·       Agricultural Marketing &Warehousing

·       AgriculturalPrices

Food Security in India

Unit III: 
Industrial Sector
  • Growth & Pattern of Industrialization
  • Industrial Policy 1956, 1977, 1980 & 1991
  • Public Sector Enterprises & their Performance
  • Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
  • Disinvestment of Public Enterprises
  • Privatization.


Unit IV: 
Service Sector
  •        Growth and Contribution of Service Sector
  •        Information and Communication Technology; IT and ITES Industry
  • Foreign Trade in Services; BPO.
Unit V: 
Financial Sector
  • Commercial Banking in India
  •  RBI and its Monetary Policy
  • MoneyMarket& Capital Market in India
  • Working of SEBI in India.



Essential Readings: 
  1. Datt, Gaurav and MahajanAshwani, Datt&Sundharam’s Indian Economy, S. Chand & Company Limited, New Delhi (latest edition).
  2. Puri, V.K.andS.K.Mishra,  Indian Economy, Himalaya Publishing House (latest edition).
  3. Kapila, Uma, Indian Economy since Independence, Academic Foundation (latest edition).




Suggested readings:

  1. Dhingra, I.C., The Indian Economy: Environment and Policy, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi (latest edition).
  2. Economic Survey, Ministry of Finance, Govt. of India, New Delhi (latest).

E Resources:

  • History of Indian Economy

  • The Future of Indian Economy: Past Reforms and Challenges Ahead

  • Economic Reforms in India since 1991, Monika Kashyap, MahendraBabuKuruva


  • Indian Economic Review


Academic Session: