Visit to Census Office, Jaipur

31st October 2023
IIS (DEEMED TO BE UNIVERSITY) Educational visit- census office
The department of Economics, of IIS (deemed to be university) organized a one day educational visit to the census office, Jaipur, Rajasthan on 31st October 2023. The visit aimed at providing the students an outlook of the census that is done in every 10 years in our country, highlighting the procedure and the importance of the government upholding population census.

The session began with introduction of census by sir Abhinash Sharma and sir Alok Sharma, deputy director, census board office jaipur, followed by an amusing video showcasing India, it's varsity and culture, and how each and every citizen of the country, upholds an importance and is necessary for the nation, and hence is counted. Thereafter, after a brief introduction on census and learning about the core definition of population census, the students were enriched with knowledge through a talk with sir Vishnu Chandra Mallik, I.A.S (Director, census board
office, Jaipur).
A PowerPoint presentation was also shown to the students which explained the procedure of census, the different phases in which the counting of population takes place and what human resources are procured in the biggest administrative activity, that is the population census that is held every 10 years. The students were also told about the different articles and amendment acts, referral dates and were also given knowledge of the online sources, where they can find substantial details about the population census, with regards to a specific village, block or a district.
Moving on, a doubt session was organised where the assigned dignitaries solved the problems of the students and their doubts and questions regarding the topic. The students were also given a pen drive, consisting of the ppts and videos shown during the session, a pen, notepad, folder and a cap and a tshirt of the census board of India. The students were also provided refreshments.
The visit, was able to clear out doubts of the students regarding the population census and also gave them substantial knowledge about the procedure the importance, along with the challenges for the Indian census.