UNECOSOC: Humanitarian Rights and Economic Situation Amidst the Global Refugee Crisis: An Agenda for Action

 IIS (deemed to be University)



DATE – January 19 , 2024

“In MUN, every delegate is a diplomat, and every speech is a step towards building a better world.”

The IIS Economics Society at IIS (Deemed to be University) hosted its inaugural Model United Nations (MUN) event, ECOSOC 2024, on January 19, 2024, at Aditya Hall. The focal point of the day's discussions was "Humanitarian Rights and Economic Situation Amidst the Global Refugee Crisis: An Agenda for Action."

The proceedings commenced with the Vice-President and Secretary acknowledging the distinguished Chairpersons, Miss Ayushi and Miss Vidhi. A swift roll call was conducted to record votes, paving the way for the commencement of an invigorating debate session.

Following this, delegates from diverse countries delivered speeches in the General Speakers’ List (GSL), articulating their perspectives and positions on the refugee crises. The Model United Nations (MUN) witnessed active involvement from university delegates, each endeavoring to articulate their stance through GSL speeches. Particularly noteworthy were the impassioned presentations from representatives of the United States of America, Syria, and Myanmar.

A brief Intermission of 10 minutes was arranged for the delegates to forge alliances and enhance their strategic planning.

The session resumed following a brief intermission, featuring another round of speeches and accusations. Each nation sought to justify its position on the global stage. After all countries articulated their stances, a vote was conducted to conclude the debate session, resulting in a victory for the Russian bloc.

In the course of the session, an emergency crisis was orchestrated by the IP team, with Syria handed an envelope to publicly disclose its contents. Following this revelation, a break was granted for deliberation. Subsequently, the debate recommenced, with each country provided a total of three clues. Ultimately, Pakistan was implicated and found culpable in connection to the emergency situation.

The best speakers of the day were provided with Certificates by MR. J.N. Sharma . The judges commended the participants and organizers for their commendable efforts in orchestrating and executing a highly successful event. They expressed gratitude for the dedication and hard work that contributed to the event’s overall success.