Statistical Methods – I

Paper Code: 
ECO 113
Contact Hours: 

1. To introduce the basic concepts in statistics to the students and the way in which these concepts are applied in Economics; and
2. To help solving problems in statistics and interpreting the results obtained.

Unit I: 
Introduction to Statistics
  •  Basic concepts of Population and Sample, Census and Sample survey, Sampling – objectives, methods and bias, Primary and Secondary data
  • Frequency Distribution-Exclusive and Inclusive series
  • Diagrammatic representation of data-Bar Diagram and Pie Diagram
  • Graphic representation of data-Line Graph, Histogram, Frequency Polygon and Ogives.
Unit II: 
Central Tendency
  • Measures of Central Tendency- Mean, Median, Mode Geometric Mean and Harmonic Mean, their characteristics and applications.


Unit III: 
Dispersion, Skewness and Kurtosis
  • Concepts and measures of Dispersion, Skewness and Kurtosis.


Unit IV: 
Correlation Analysis
  • Simple Correlation - Karl Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient and Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient.


Unit V: 
Regression Analysis
  • Concept of Simple Linear Regression, Regression Equations, Regression coefficients and fitting of regression lines by method of ordinary least squares.



Essential Readings: 

1. Gupta, S.P., Statistical Methods (Recent Edition), S.Chand and Sons, New Delhi.
2. Croxton , F.E., D.J.Cowden and S. Klein(1973), Applied General Statistics, Prentice Hall ,New Delhi.
3. Speigel, M.R. (1992),Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of Statistics, McGraw Hill Book, London.
4. Nagar, A.L. and R.K. Das, Basic Statistics, Oxford University Press, Bombay.

Academic Session: