Public Finance- II

Paper Code: 
ECO 611
Contact Hours: 

1. To understand the various aspects of Public Finance.

2. To determine the role and objectives of Fiscal Policy.

Unit I: 

• Meaning and classification of Public Expenditure;

• Reasons for the growth of Public Expenditure;

• Effects of Public Expenditure;

• Trends in Public Expenditure in India.

• Subsidies in India

Unit II: 
  • Objectives of  Public Debt;
  • Classification of Public Debt;
  • Burden of Public Debt;
  • Ricardo Pigou Thesis, Buchanan Thesis, BDK Thesis, Musgrave Thesis of Inter Generation Equality.
  • Effects of Public debt;
  • Methods of debt redemption;
  • Loans versus Taxes;
  • Trends in internal and external public debt in India.
Unit III: 
  • Fiscal Federalism – Centre – State Financial Relations
  • Problems of Centre – State Financial Relations
  • Thirteenth Finance Commission : Impact on Rajasthan
Unit IV: 

• Government budget : Meaning & Purpose

• Types of Government Budget :Legislative & Executive; Multiple & unified; Conventional & Cash; Revenue & Capital; Incremental & Zero base; Development & Non Development ; Economic and Functional classification of the Budget;

• Concept of budget deficit – Revenue deficit, Budget deficit, Fiscal deficit, Primary deficit

• Introduction to the concept of – Gender Budgeting

• Analysis of previous Budgets of India and Rajasthan

Unit V: 

• Fiscal Policy – meaning, objectives and instruments;

• Limitations of Fiscal Policy;

• Deficit Financing-Meaning, Role and Effects.

Essential Readings: 

1. Tyagi, B.P., Public Finance, Latest edition, Jain Praksash Nath & Company, Meerut. 2. Bhatia, H. L., Public Finance, Recent Edition, Vikas Publication, New Delhi.


1. Musgrave, Richard A. (1959), Theory of Public Finane, McGraw Hill, Kognakhusa, Tokyo. 2. Musgrave, R. A. and P. B. Musgrave, 1980, Public Finance in Theory and Practice, McGraw Hill, Kogakusha, Tokyo. 3. Dalton, Huge, Principles of Public Finance, 1971, Rontledge and Hegan Paul Limited, London. 4. Herber, B. P., Modern Public Finance, 1976, Richard D Iruin, Homewood. 5. Datt., Ruddar and K.P.M. Sundaram, Indian Economy, 2001, S. Chand & Company Limited, New Delhi. 6. Ganguly S., Public Finance, 1999, The World Press Private Ltd. Calcutta. 7. Andley and Sundaram, Public Finance, Latest edition, Ratan Prakashan, Agra. 8. Mithani, D. M.; (1998), Modern Public Finance, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.

Academic Session: