Public Economics-II

Paper Code: 
24ECO 225
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
  1. To help students understand the various aspects related to public debt and to analyze the trends of public debt in India.
  2. To determine the role and objectives of fiscal policy, deficit financing and budget. To help understand the budgetary process in India. The student will understand the various types of budget and the investment evaluation.
  3. To analyze the centre state financial relations in India in relation to fiscal federalism
Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies 

Course Code

Course Title

24ECO 225

Public Economics-II


Student will

CO61: analyze the different aspects of public debt and its trends in India

CO62: analyze various aspects of fiscal policy and balanced budget multiplier

CO63: examine deficit financing, budgetary deficits in India, budget and budgetary process in India

CO64:  comprehend the criteria for public investment and different types of budget

CO65 analyze the various aspects of federal finance and Centre State financial relations in India and recommendations of the 15thFinance Commission

CO66: contribute effectively in course-specific interaction.


Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Case studies.


Learning activities for the students:

Presentations, Assignments and Group discussions.

Class activity, Assignments, Quiz and Semester end examinations.


Unit I: 
Public Debt
  • Classical View, Sources, Classification & Effects of Public Debt;
  •  Burden of Public Debt on Future Generation
  • Redemption of Public Debt
  •  Public Debt Management: objectives & Principles
  •  Trends of Public Debt in India


Unit II: 
Fiscal Policy
  •     Fiscal Policy: Meaning, Objectives &Instruments
  •         Fiscal Policy for  stabilization: Automatic Stabilizers & Discretionary Stabilizers
  •    Interdependence of Fiscal & Monetary policies
  •     Fiscal Policy in a developing economy
  •  Balanced budget multiplier
Unit III: 
Deficit Financing & Budget
  • Deficit Financing: Objectives, Role, Effects & Limits
  • Budgetary Deficits; Central Government deficits since 1990-91
  •  Government budget: meaning and purpose; Budget as an instrument of economic policy
  •  The budgetary process in India: Preparation, legislation and execution


Unit IV: 
Investment Evaluation
  • Criteria for Public Investment
  • Project Evaluation; Cost benefit Analysis: Meaning, Criteria & Limitations
  • Planning & Programme Budgeting system(PPBS)
  • Zero Base Budgeting, performance budgeting, outcome budgeting, gender budgeting


Unit V: 
Federal Finance
  • Essential Features,  & Principles  of Federal Finance
  • The Rationale of Fiscal Federalism; Vertical & Horizontal Imbalance
  •  Centre State Financial Relations in India
  • Role of Finance Commission
  •  Recommendations of 15th Finance Commission


Essential Readings: 
  1. Lekhi, R. K. and Singh Joginder Public Finance, Latest edition, Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana. 2015
  2. Bhatia, H. L., Public Finance, Recent Edition, Vikas Publication, New Delhi. 2018




Suggested Readings:

  1. Musgrave, Richard A., Theory of Public Finance, McGraw, 1959.
  2. Musgrave, R. A. and P. B. Musgrave, Public Finance in Theory and Practice, McGraw Hill Education; 5th edition 2017.
  3. Datt, RuddarandSundharam  K P M Indian Economy, S. Chand & Company Limited, New Delhi 2018.
  4. GangulySobrata, Public Finance, The World Press Private Ltd. Calcutta. 1992
  5. Rosen,  S. Harvey and Gayer, Ted  Public Finance, Latest Edition, Tata  MCGraw Hill Education Private Limited, New Delhi2012
  6. Hindriks, Jean and Myles, D. Gareth, Intermediate Public Economics, Latest Edition, PHI Learning Private Limited, Delhi 2014

E Resources:


  • Public Budgeting & Finance, Wiley Online Library
  • Journal of Economics  and Public Finance, Scholink


Academic Session: