Micro Economics –I

Paper Code: 
ECO 301
Contact Hours: 

To acquaint the students with the methodology and approach of Microeconomics; and to understand the behaviour of an economic agent, namely a consumer and a producer in a comparative static and partial equilibrium framework.

Unit I: 
Cardinal Utility Analysis
  • Total and Marginal utility;
  • Law of diminishing marginal utility;
  • Consumer’s equilibrium – law of equi-marginal utility.



Unit II: 
Ordinal Utility Analysis
  • Indifference curves;
  • Budget line;
  • Consumer’s equilibrium.
Unit III: 
Topics on Consumer Behaviour
  • Price, substitution and income effect: Normal, Inferior and Giffen Goods (Hicksian Approach);
  • Engel’s Curve;
  • Elasticity of demand: Price, Income and Cross – meaning & measurement;
  • Consumer’s surplus – Marshallian Concept.
Unit IV: 
Theory of Production I
  • Short Run production Function
  • Total, average and marginal product curves; interrelationships
  • Law of returns to variable factor
  • Stages of Production and Rational production decision
Unit V: 
Theory of Production II
  • Long Run production Function
  • Isoquants ,Iso-cost and Producer’s equilibrium;
  • Expansion Path and Ridge Lines;
  • Law of Returns to scale


Essential Readings: 
  1. H.L. Ahuja, Micro Economic Theory, S. Chand & Company, New Delhi.
  1. Seth, M.L., Microeconomics, Laxmi Narayan Agarwal, Agra.


  1. Gould J.P. and C.F. Ferguson, Micro Economic Theory, All India Traveler Book Sellers, Delhi.
  1. Koutsoyiannis, A. (1999), Modern Microeconomics, Macmillan.
  1. Varian, H.R. (2000), Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approach, East-west Press, New Delhi.
  1. Lipsey, R.G. (Latest edition), An Introduction to positive Economics.
  1. Stonier, A.W. and D.C. Hague (1972), A Textbook of Economics Theory, ELBS and Longman Group, London.


Academic Session: