Introductory Macroeconomics

Paper Code: 
24CECO 211
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
  1. To introduce the students to the basic concepts of national income.
  2. To appraise the student with preliminary concepts associated with the determination of output according to Classical and Keynes model.
  3. To describe various income consumption hypotheses.



Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies 

Course Code

Course Title

24CECO 211

Introductory Macroeconomics


Students will:

CO13: comprehend fundamental macroeconomic principles

CO14: analyze different aspects of national income accounting

CO15: critically analyze classical economics.

CO16: evaluate Keynesian economics.

CO17: analyze different aspects of consumption and investment

CO18: contribute effectively in course-specific interaction.

Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Case studies.


Learning activities for the students:

Presentations, Assignments and Group discussions.

Class activity, Assignments and Semester end examinations.


Unit I: 
Introduction of Macroeconomics
  • Microeconomic versus macroeconomics
  • Meaning and scope of macroeconomics
  • Macroeconomic variables
  • Macroeconomic Paradoxes
  • Stock and flow concepts
  • Static, comparative static and dynamic macroeconomic analysis.
  • Macroeconomic schools (Classical and Keynesian)


Unit II: 
National Income Accounting
  • National income and related aggregates
  • Methods of measuring national income
  • Circular flow of income model;
  • Real versus nominal GDP
  • Problems in measurement of national income



Unit III: 
Classical Economics
  • Say’s Law of markets; assumptions of classical model
  • Determination of Equilibrium output and employment in simple Classical Model
  • Effect of changes (Money supply, labour demand/supply, labour productivity)
  • Keynes’ criticism of the Classical Model


Unit IV: 
Keynesian Economics
  • Consumption Function and Investment Function;
  • Simple Keynesian model of employment and income determination (AD-AS & S-I Approach)
  • Working of investment multiplier; concepts of tax multiplier, government expenditure multiplier and balanced budget multiplier (graphical and algebraic derivation)


Unit V: 
Consumption and Investment
  • Kuznets puzzle
  •  Absolute income hypothesis, relative income hypothesis, life-cycle hypothesis and permanent income hypothesis
  • Investment–Components and determinants; MEI, MEC
  • Acceleration Principle


Essential Readings: 
  1. Ahuja, H.L., Macroeconomics: Theory and Policy, S. Chand, 20th edition 2016.
  2. Mankiw, N. G., Macroeconomics, Worth Publishers, 7th edition, 2010.



Suggested Readings:

1.     Dornbusch, Fischer and Startz, Macroeconomics, McGraw Hill, 11th Edition, 2010.

2.     Froyen, R. T, Macroeconomics, Pearson Education Asia, 2nd Edition, 2005.

3.     Case, K.E. and Fair,R.C., Principles of Economics, Pearson Education Inc., 8th Edition, 2007.

E-Resources :

·       National Income – Concepts , Circular flow of Income , Measurement – M01, 02 03 04, Real and nominal variables – M05 , Inflation – its causes and effects M30


  • World Economics Journal – A UGC care listed Journal

The Indian Economic Journal – Sage Publishing and UGC Care listed journal/journal202576#description

Academic Session: