1. To introduce the students to the basic concepts of national income.
2. To appraise the student with preliminary concepts associated with the determination of output according to Classical and Keynes model.
3. To describe various income consumption hypotheses.
1. Ahuja, H.L., Macroeconomics: Theory and Policy, S. Chand, 20th edition 2016.
2. Mankiw, N. G., Macroeconomics, Worth Publishers, 7th edition, 2010.
1. Dornbusch, Fischer and Startz, Macroeconomics, McGraw Hill, 11th Edition, 2010.
2. Froyen, R. T, Macroeconomics, Pearson Education Asia, 2nd Edition, 2005.
3. Case, K.E. and Fair,R.C., Principles of Economics, Pearson Education Inc., 8th Edition, 2007.