Introduction to Economics

Paper Code: 
ECO 101:
Contact Hours: 

To introduce the basic concepts of economics to the students.

Unit I: 
Fundamentals of Economics


  • Scarcity and Efficiency
  • Basic Economic Problems;
  • Microeconomics and Macroeconomics; Positive and Normative Economics;
  • Production Possibility frontier-Opportunity Costs and Efficiency
  • Reading Graphs-Slope of a straight line and a curve, Shifts of and Movement Along Curves
Unit II: 
Markets and Government in a Modern Economy
  • What is a Market?
  • How Markets Solve the Basic Economic Problems;
  • The Economic Role of Government-Efficiency,Equity, Growth and Stability and the Welfare State
Unit III: 
Basic Elements of Demand and Supply
  • The Demand Schedule-Demand curve, Market Demand, Factors determining demand curve, shifts in demand
  • The Supply Schedule-Supply Curve, Market Supply, Factors determining supply curve, shifts in supply


Unit IV: 
IMarket Equilibrium
  • Equilibrium with Supply and Demand Curves
  • Effects of a shift in supply or Demand
  • Rationing by Prices
  • Impact of a Tax on Price and Quantity
Unit V: 
Overview of Macroeconomics
  • Origin of Macroeconomics
  • Objectives and Instruments of Macroeconomics
  • Tools of Macroeconomic Policy-Fiscal and Monetary policy (basic Concepts)
  • Concept of an open economy
  • Aggregate Demand and Supply


Essential Readings: 
  1. Samuelson, Paul A. and William D. Nordhaus , Economics, Tata McGraw-Hill.
  1. N. Gregory Mankiw, Principles of Economics, 6 E, South-Western Cengage Learning, USA.




  1. Salvatore, Dominick and Eugene A. Dulia, Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of Principles of Economics, Tata McGraw-Hill.
  1. Dewett, K.K., Modern Economic Theory, S. Chand and Company Ltd.
  1. Fleisher, B.M., Edward J. Ray and Thomas J. Kniesher, Principles of Economics, Wm. C. Brown Publishers, Dubuque, Iowa.




Academic Session: