1. To examine the various theories related to international trade.
2. To analyze the concept of tariffs and non-tariff barriers.
3. To acquaint the students with the theory of Economic Integration, particularly Customs Union.
Inter-regional and international trade;Theories of international trade – Mercantilism, Theory of absolute advantage, Theory of comparative advantage and Opportunity cost theory (constant and increasing opportunity costs case);Emperical tests of Ricardian Model.
Offer Curves – Meaning;General Equilibrium Analysis- Equilibrium Relative Commodity Prices with trade;Terms of trade: Definition & various concepts;Heckscher - Ohlin Theory;Empirical tests of H-O model & Leontief Paradox.
Free Trade versus Protectionism;Tariff – Meaning, Classification, partial & general equilibrium analysis, Stolper Samuelson theorem, Rate of effective protection, Optimum tariff.
Quotas – types and effects;Import Quota versus Import Tariff; Other non tariff barriers;
New Protectionism – Strategic Trade Policy.
Economic Integration – Various forms;Trade Creating and Trade DivertingCustoms Union;Static and Dynamic Effects of Customs Union; European Union; EFTA; NAFTA; SAARC.
1. Appleyard, Dennis R., International Economics, McGraw Hill Education (India) , Chennai, 8th edition, 2016.
2. Rana K.C and Verma K.N., International Economics, Vishal Publishing Company, latest edition.