1. To examine the issues related to growth of Indian economy, its planning and economic reforms.
2.To acquaint the students with foreign trade of India
3.To appraise with important areas of concern like poverty, income inequality, unemployment, regional imbalance, rising prices and black money.
1. Datt, G. and Mahajan, A., Datt&Sundharam’s , Indian Economy, S.Chand and Company Limited, 73rd Edition, 2021.
2. Puri,V.K and Misra, S.K., Indian Economy, Himalaya Publishing HousePvt. Ltd., 39th Edition, 2021.
1. Kapila, Uma, Indian Economy since Independence, Academic Foundation, 31st Edition, 2020.
2. Govt. of India, Economic Survey, Economic Division, Ministry of Finance, 2022.