Indian Economy-II

Paper Code: 
ECO 214
Contact Hours: 
  •  To study the various aspects of economic reforms, foreign trade and important areas of concern; and 
  • To acquaint the students with the features/issues of Indian economy
Unit I: 
Growth of Indian Economy &Planning in India
  •  National income trends 
  • Structural Changes 
  • Planning in India: objectives, broad achievements and failures; 
  • Eleventh five-year plan: objectives, achievements and Failures.
  • Twelfth five-year plan: objectives
Unit II: 
Economic Reforms
  •  Need for economic reforms; 
  • Macro Economic Stabilization- Control of Inflation, fiscal adjustment, balance of payments adjustment; 
  • Structural adjustments- trade and capital Flow reforms, industrial deregulation, disinvestment and financial Sector Reforms
Unit III: 
External Sector
  •  Trends in exports and imports; 
  • Composition of India’s foreign trade;
  • Direction of India’s foreign trade; 
  • Role of Multinational corporations (MNCs).
Unit IV: 
Important areas of concern -I
  •  Poverty; 
  • Income Inequality; 
  • Unemployment;
  • Unemployment and Poverty Eradication Programmes: SGSY, SGRY, MGNREGA, JNNURM, PMEGP, SJSRY
Unit V: 
Important areas of concern - II
  •  Regional imbalances – Indicators, causes & measures undertaken;
  • Rising prices – causes & measures to control; 
  • Black Money – factors responsible & measures to control.
Essential Readings: 

1. Datt, R. and K.P.M. Sundaram, Indian Economy, S.Chand and Company Limited, New Delhi (latest edition).
2. Mishra, S.K. and V.K. Puri, Indian Economy, Himalaya Publishing House (latest edition).
3. Kapila, Uma, Indian Economy since Independence, Academic Foundation (latest edition).
4. Govt. of India, Economic Survey, Economic Division, Ministry of Finance, New Delhi (latest).

Academic Session: