Indian Economy- I

Paper Code: 
24ECO 124
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
  1. To make the students understand the development process of Indian economy since independence.
  2. To introduce the sector-specific policies and their impact on key economic indicators.
  3. To acquaint the students with the impact of planning and economic reforms in India.


Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies 

Course Code

Course Title

24ECO 124

Indian Economy-I


Students will:

CO19: comprehend the process of development in India.

CO20: examine demographic features of Indian economy and infrastructure

CO21: examine various

problems faced by the

Indian economy like

poverty, inequality,


CO22: analyze the direction, composition of foreign trade,

 EXIM policy and Foreign Trade Policy of India.

CO23: comprehend the growth of national income, planning process and economic reforms in India.

CO24: contribute effectively in course-specific interaction

Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Case studies.


Learning activities for the students:

Presentations, Assignments and Group discussions.

Class activity, Assignments, Quiz and Semester end examinations.


Unit I: 
Indian Economy on the Eve of Independence
  • Indian Economy in the Pre-British Period; Economic consequences of British conquest; Decline in the Indian Handicrafts and Progressive Ruralisation of the Indian Economy
  • The Land System during 1793-1850
  • Commercialization of Agriculture (1850-1947)
  • Famines and Famine Relief in India
  • Progress of Industrial Transition in India
  •  Colonial Exploitation: Forms and Consequences; Colonialism and Modernization


Unit II: 
Demographic Features & Infrastructure

·       Population Growth

·        Occupational Structure

·       Important Demographic indicators

·       National Population policy (2000)

Economic and Social Infrastructure

Unit III: 
Important Issues
  • Poverty
  • Inequality
  • Unemployment
  • Regional Imbalances
  • Parallel Economy


Unit IV: 
Foreign Trade
  • Composition and Direction
  • Balance of Payments
  •  Foreign Capital and Aid
  • Export Import policy
  • Foreign Trade policy


Unit V: 
National Income, Economic Reforms and Planning
  • National Income: Growth & Structure
  • Economic Reforms
  • Planning In India: Objectives, Strategy, Failures & Achievements
  • Twelfth Five Year Plan
  • NITI Aayog


Essential Readings: 
  1. Datt, G. and Mahajan, A., Datt& Sundharam’s, Indian Economy, S.Chand and Company Limited,73rd edition, 2021,
  2. Puri,V.K  and Misra, S.K., Indian Economy, Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. 39th edition, 2021.



Suggested Readings:

  1. Kapila, Uma, Indian Economy since Independence, Academic Foundation, 31st edition, 2020.
  2. Govt. of India, Economic Survey, Economic Division, Ministry of Finance,2022.

E Resource:

  • Economic Survey 2021-22, Ministry of Finance, Government of India, January 2022.


  • Indian Economic Review



Academic Session: