1. To make the students understand the development process of Indian economy since independence.
2. To introduce the sector-specific policies and their impact on key economic indicators.
3. To acquaint the students with the impact of planning and economic reforms in India.
Indian Economy in the Pre-British Period; Economic consequences of British conquest; Decline in the Indian Handicrafts and Progressive Ruralisation of the Indian Economy; The Land System during 1793-1850; Commercialization of Agriculture (1850-1947); Famines and Famine Relief in India; Progress of Industrial Transition in India; Colonial Exploitation: Forms and Consequences; Colonialism and Modernization
Population Growth; Occupational Structure; Important Demographic indicators; National Population policy (2000); Economic and Social Infrastructure
Poverty; Inequality; Unemployment; Regional Imbalances; Parallel Economy
Composition and Direction; Balance of Payments; Foreign Capital and Aid; Export Import policy; Foreign Trade policy
National Income : Growth & Structure; Economic Reforms;Planning In India : Objectives, Strategy, Failures & Achievements; Twelfth Five Year Plan; NITI Aayog
1. Datt, G. and Mahajan, A., Datt&Sundharam’s,Indian Economy, S.Chand and Company Limited,73rd edition, 2021,
2. Puri,V.K and Misra, S.K., Indian Economy, Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. 39th edition, 2021.
1. Kapila, Uma, Indian Economy since Independence, Academic Foundation, 31st edition, 2020.
2. Govt. of India, Economic Survey, Economic Division, Ministry of Finance,2022.