Indian Economy

Paper Code: 
24DECO 501B
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
  1. To critically appraise current Indian economic scenario.
  2. To evaluate the sectoral development including agriculture, industry and services sectors in India.
  3. To appraise with important areas of concern like poverty, income inequality, unemployment and inflation


Course Outcomes: 

Course Code

Course Title

Learning outcome (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies







24DECO 501B








Indian Economy



Students will:

CO31: comprehend the characteristics, growth, current state, and structural changes of Indian economy

CO32: analyze different aspects of population and human development in India

CO33: examine the agricultural development in India

CO34: analyze the industrial and service sector in India

CO35: examine the challenges faced by Indian economy

CO36: contribute effectively in course-specific interaction

Teaching Strategies:


 Interactive Lectures, Discussion



Learning activities for the students:


Presentations, Assignments and Group discussions.


Class activity, Assignments and Semester end examinations



Unit I: 
Growth and structural changes
  • Characteristics of Indian economy as a developing economy
  • The current state of Indian economy
  • Trends in national income and per capita income
  • Structural composition of national income and employment
  • Growth and regional disparities


Unit II: 
Population and Human Development
  • Size and growth of population,
  • Demographic indicators – density, sex and age composition, life expectancy, literacy rate, Occupational distribution and rural urban distribution
  • Health and nutrition – IMR, MMR
  • Demographic dividend
  • Human resource development – indicators and importance of human resource development
  • New Education Policy 2020
  • National Population Policy 2000



Unit III: 
Agricultural Development
  • Indian agriculture: role and importance
  • Cropping pattern
  • Agricultural production and productivity
  • New agricultural strategies and green revolution
  • Agricultural inputs - irrigation, mechanization, fertilizers, pesticides & seeds
  •  Agricultural credit
  • Agricultural marketing
  • Agricultural prices and agricultural price policy



Unit IV: 
Industrial and Services Sector
  • Trends in industrial production
  • Important large scale industries of India
  • Industrial Policy 1991
  • Make in India, Startup India
  • MSMEs
  • Privatization of public sector- disinvestment programme in India
  • Growth and contribution of services sector in India
  • Share of services in employment


Unit V: 
Current Challenges
  • Poverty – estimation and trends, poverty alleviation programs
  • Income inequality – measurement and trends
  • Unemployment – nature, estimates, trends, causes and employment generation strategy
  • Inflation – trend, causes, anti-inflationary measures
  • Black money – factors responsible & measures to control


Essential Readings: 
  1. Datt and Sundaram’s Indian Economy Datt Gaurav and Mahajan Ashwani  (latest edition), Indian Economy, S.Chand and Company Limited, New Delhi.
  2. MisraS. K. and Puri V.K., (latest edition), Indian Economy, Himalaya Publishing House.
  3.  Agarwal, A.N. and Agarwal M K (latest edition), Indian Economy: Problems of Development and Planning,  New Age International Pvt. Ltd. , New Delhi



Suggested Readings:

  1. Kapila, Uma (Latest Ed.), Indian Economy since Independence, Academic Foundation
  2.   Govt. of India, Economic Survey (Annual), Economic Division, Ministry of Finance, New Delhi
  3. Jean Dreze and Amartya Sen, Jean Dreze and Amartya Sen, 2013. An Uncertain Glory: India and its Contradictions, Princeton University Press


  1. S Chandrasekhar, Karthikeya Naraparaju, Ajay Sharma Spatial Disparities in Household Earnings in India: Role of Urbanization, Sectoral Inequalities, and Rural-Urban Differences   Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai March 2021
  2. Yashwant Sinha and Vinay K. Srivastava, The Future of Indian Economy: Past Reforms and Challenges Ahead, Rupa Publications India, 2017


  1. Arthshastra Indian Journal of Economics & Research
  2.  Indian Journal of Economics and Development
  3.  Indian Economic Review



Academic Session: