Paper Code: 
ECO 323 (B)
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
  1. To develop an understanding of structure of financial system in India.
  2. To introduce the students to the role of various regulatory Institutions.
  3. To acquaint the students with various banking and financial institutions of India.


Course Outcomes (COs):


Outcome (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies 

Paper Code

Paper Title

ECO 323(B)

Financial Institutions and Markets-I

CO40: Students willcomprehend the structure of financial system.

CO41: Students willanalyze the role of RBI and SEBI.

C042: Students willexamine the working of banking system and other financial institutions.

Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussion,  Case studies.


Learning activities for the students:

Presentations, Assignments and Group discussions.

Class activity, Assignments, Quiz and  Semester end examinations.


Unit I: 
Nature & Role of Financial System


Structure & Functions of a financial system; Financial concepts – financial assets, financial intermediaries, financial instruments; Financial System & Economic Development; Need for Financial Sector Reforms.

Unit II: 
Regulatory & Promotional Institutions


Reserve Bank of India – organisation & management, role & functions, monetary policy – objectives & techniques; Securities & Exchange Board of India – genesis, constitution & organisation, objectives & functions.

Unit III: 
Banking Institutions


Commercial Banks – major developments in commercial banking after independence, liabilities & assets, functions of commercial banks; Cooperative Banks – features, types & structure, problems & policy.

Unit IV: 
Development Banking & Financial Institutions of India I


Organizational structure of financial institutions; IFCI, SFCs, IDBI, SIDBI – role & functions.

Unit V: 
Development Banking & Financial Institutions of India II


Mutual Funds – concept and types; UTI & money market mutual funds; Insurance Companies – LIC & GIC – role & functions; Miscellaneous non banking financial intermediaries – loan companies, investment companies, hire purchase finance, lease finance, housing finance.

Essential Readings: 
  1. Bhole LM, Financial Institutions & Markets – structure, growth & innovations, Tata McGraw Hill publishing co. ltd.


  1. Gordon &Natrajan, Financial Markets & Services, Himalaya Publishing House.


  1. Sundharam K.P.M, Money, Banking & International Trade, Sultan Chand & sons.


  1. Puri, V.K.andS.K.Mishra, Indian Economy, Himalaya Publishing House (latest edition).



Academic Session: