Environmental Economics

Paper Code: 
24DECO 611B
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
  1. To explain the various methods of environmental valuation.
  2. To acquaint the students with the meaning, rules and indicators of sustainable development.
  3. To describe the issues relating to environmental protection and pollution control and also climate change and global warming.


Course Outcomes: 



Course Title

Learning outcome (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies 


24DECO 611B

Environmental Economics


Students will:

CO109: comprehend the various aspects of environment and analyse environmental valuation

CO110: analyze market failure, externalities and public goods

CO111: comprehend various approaches of sustainable development.

CO112: analyze the issues related to environmental protection

CO113: examine different aspects of climate change and global warming.

CO114:  contribute effectively in course-specific interaction

Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Case studies


Learning activities for the students:

Presentations, Assignments and Group discussions

Class activity, Assignments and Semester end examinations


Unit I: 
Environment, Economy & Valuation of environment
  • Environmental Economics: Definition & Scope
  • Environment- Economy Interaction
  • Development & Environment
  • Environmental Kuznets Curve
  • Need for environmental valuation, Use Value and Non Use Value
  • Methods of environmental valuation: Contingent Valuation method, Hedonic Pricing Approach, Travel Cost Method,  Difficulties in measuring  environmental value


Unit II: 
Market Failure, Externalities and Public Goods
  • Market Failure: Meaning
  • Pareto Optimality and Market Failure
  • Externalities: Meaning, Positive and Negative Externalities in production and consumption
  • Public Goods: Meaning and Characteristics
  • Public Goods and Pareto Efficiency
  • Asymmetric information and market failure



Unit III: 
Sustainable Development
  • Sustainable Development –Meaning
  • Rules -Hartwick Approach, London School Approach, Safe Minimum Approach,, and Daly’s Operational Principles
  • Indicators of Sustainable Development -Pressure Indicators, Impact Indicators and Sustainable Indicators
  • Weak Sustainability and Strong Sustainability



Unit IV: 
Conservation of Resources & Environment Protection
  • Conservation of Resources- Preservation & Conservation
  • Methods of Conservation-Material Conservation, Product Life Extension, Recycling, Pollution Tax, Waste Reduction
  • Policy Instruments for Environmental Protection: The Polluter Pays Principle (PPP), The User Pays Principle (UPP) & The Precautionary Principle (PP)
  • Policy Measures to Control Environmental Pollution: Command and Control Approach, Pigouvian Tax, Environmental Subsidy, Tradable Permits, Deposit Refund System, Participatory and Voluntary Agreements,  Property Rights  &Coase’s  Theorem, Bargain Solution


Unit V: 
Climate Change & Global Warming
  • Effects of climate change - Impact of Green House Effect, Acid Rain, Ozone Layer Depletion,
  • Global Level Efforts: Montreal Protocol, Convention on Climate Change (1992 & 1995), GEF, Kyoto Protocol (1997),
  • International Policy Instruments to Tackle Environmental Externalities : International Carbon Tax, Tradable Quotas & Tradable Pollution Permits


Essential Readings: 

Callan, S. J., and Thomas, J. M.,Environmental Economics & Management:   Theory, Policy, and Applications, South-Western College Publishing, 6th Edition, 2012



Suggested Readings: 

  1. Eugine. T., Environmental economics,Vrinda Publications (P) Ltd.1st Ed., 2005
  2. Bhattacharya, R. N., Environmental Economics- An Indian             Perspective,  Oxford University Press, 2002

E- Resources:

  1. https://epgp.inflibnet.ac.in/Home/ViewSubject?catid=NEp/xikgBgNtfa+sgFQAc
  2. https://www.epa.gov/environmental-economics


  1. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management(JEEM)


  1. Environmental and Resource Economics(ERE)



Academic Session: