The course covers the consequences of and tests for violation of assumptions of classical linear regression model.
Meaning, reasons, consequences, detection and remedies of the problem of multicolliearity.
Meaning, reasons, consequences, detection and remedies of the problem of heteroscedasticity.
Meaning, reasons, consequences, detection and remedies of the problem of serial correlation.
Meaning of model specification, Specification error- omission of a relevant variable; inclusion of irrelevant variable; errors of measurement, tests of specification errors.
Nature of dummy variables; ANOVA and ANCOVA models; caution in the use of dummy variable-the dummy variable trap; the dummy variable alternative to the chow test; Interaction effects using dummy variables.
1. D. N. Gujarati and D.C. Porter, Essentials of Econometrics, McGraw Hill, 4th edition, International Edition, 2009.
2. Christopher Dougherty, Introduction to Econometrics, Oxford University Press, 3rd edition, Indian edition, 2007.
3. Jan Kmenta, Elements of Econometrics, Indian Reprint, Khosla Publishing House, 2nd edition, 2008.
4. A. Koutsoyiannis, Theory of Econometric, Palgrave Macmillan; 2nd edition edition, 2001.