1. To understand the theories governing international trade; and
2. To study the various concepts and issues related to international economics.
· Free Trade versus Protectionism;
· Tariff – Meaning, Classification, partial & general equilibrium analysis, Stolper Samuelson theorem, Rate of effective protection, Optimum tariff;
· Quotas – types and effects;
· Import Quota versus Import Tariff.
1. Salvatore, D.L., International Economics, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, N.J.
2. Vaish, M.C. & S. Singh, International Economics.
3. Cherunilam Francis, International Economics, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Ltd, New Delhi
4. Kindleberger, C.P., International Economics, R.D. Iruim, Homewood.
5. Sodersten, B.O., International Economics, McMillan Press Ltd. London.
6. Chacholiades, M., International Trade- Theory & Policy, McGraw Hill, Kogabusha, Japan.
[1] https://economics.iisuniv.ac.in/courses/subjects/international-economics-i
[2] https://economics.iisuniv.ac.in/academic-session/2018-19